The history behind our humble little site, that grew into something I did not believe
First it was only one
Tiny baby Ghibli. We brought him home in 2014 when he was a few weeks old. We could spend hours staring at him and
soon my phone was filled of nothing but pictures of him. I was never allowed to have a pet (besides fish, and hamsters) so
I wanted to cherish every moment as he grew. I posted daily on tumblr just so i could back back and see how he's grown
and to bring my spirits up whenever I needed!
I never really expected anyone other than myself, my s.o and some friends and families to really care
but after 200 followers I was so proud that I had a little following. But we soon learned that a solo bunny isn't a
happy bunny, and that's when Luffy came along. He was 8 weeks old and
was the cutest little golden baby i've ever seen.
Ghibli PLUS 2
Unfortunately in 2017 we lost Luffy too soon. It completely destroyed me.
I took some time off from posting and grieved with Ghibli. We knew that he was still too young to
live by himself and decided to bring home not only one, but two new buddies - Holliday and Ricoh